Merseyside Police

Merseyside Police Vacancies

What is Merseyside Police?

Merseyside Police is the territorial police force responsible for policing Merseyside in North West England. At Merseyside Police we pride ourselves in professional and realistic roleplay, we uphold high standards to deliver the best standard of Policing we can.

I don't see the Vacancy I'd like to apply for?

All vacancies are advertised when recruitment windows are open. If a vacancy isn't advertised it likely means we aren't looking for any further applicants. Keep your eyes open though as we may add it at any time.

How do I apply?

If you click the Merseyside Police Vacancies text, you'll be taken to the vacancies page, if you find a vacancy you wish to apply for click "Apply Now" and you'll be re-directed to the applications page.


Send Us A Enquiry

Please use this contact for for all enquiries regarding RetroPD. Please allow 3-5 business days for responses.
